Are you ready to get started working together on a quilt?

What you need

  • Quilt Top - Any seams that reach the outside edges of your quilt should either be backstitched or basted parallel to the edge of the quilt at 1/8" from the edge. The quilt will be under tension on the frame, and loose seam edges can pop open. Please note that if your quilt has borders and they are "wavy", I will do my best to make them look good but you may end up with pleats in the finished quilt. (There are several web sites with excellent instructions on how to avoid this problem, just search "how to avoid wavy quilt borders".) Your quilt top should be squared and pressed. Let the top cool before folding, to avoid introducing wrinkles. If we will not be meeting in person to hand off the quilt, please take a straight-on photograph of the top and email it to me, so that I can suggest quilting designs. Write down the measurements of the quilt top. Mark the top edge of your quilt top by safety-pinning a note to the center of the top edge. The top should be folded with the right side out -- the seam allowances are the most fragile part of the quilt top, and they should be protected.

  • Backing - You should use quality fabric for your backing, just as you do for the quilt top. Sheets are not recommended. Your quilt backing should be squared and pressed, and must be at least 8 inches wider and longer than your quilt. For example, a 48" x 64" quilt would require a backing that is at least 56" x 72". All selvedges should be trimmed from any backing seams (selvedges on the edges of the backing are OK), and seam allowances should be 1/2" - 5/8". Seams should be pressed open. Long seams (those that are the full length or width of the backing) will need to be loaded horizontally (parallel to the bars on the frame), so if you want the quilting to go in a particular direction keep that in mind. It is very difficult to align the quilt top and quilt back, so do not plan for seams to be centered or placed in a particular manner. Write down the measurements of the quilt backing. Mark the top edge of your backing by safety-pinning a note to the center of the top edge. Fold the backing right side out.

  • Batting - I can provide several different types of batting (see the Services page for more information). If you would like to provide your own batting, please make sure that it is at least 8 inches wider and longer than your quilt. For example, a 48" x 64" quilt would require a batting that is at least 56" x 72". Batting you provide should be new and in the package.

What to do

  • Contact me when you are ready to get started. We will go over the details for your quilt project, and I will provide you with an estimate of the project costs. When you sign off on the estimate and make a 50% deposit, your quilt will be added to the queue and I will provide you with an expected delivery date.

  • I will contact you when your quilt is ready, and will return it to you when the remainder of the balance is paid.

IF You’re REady to GET started

Fill out the Quilt Intake Form and I will place your quilt in my queue and contact you to make arrangements to get started.

If you still have questions

Please fill out this form and I will get back to you as soon as possible.